>I'm learning Python and Tkinter. I've started programming in Eclipse with 
>I'm intending to create a GUI. I'm not able to understand the Grid
>manager perhaps because there is quite a less documentation available
>for it on the net.
>My desired GUI is attached in the mail. Although I've tried writing a
>class module for this GUI but I'm not able to set all things right in
>the GUI. The Biggest problem seems to be with the Grid Manager in
>terms how it divides a window in Rows / columns. etc. I'm not able to
>place none of the widgets correctly in the GUI.
>For your convenience, I'm attaching this code also as myModule1.py .
>Please some one review it and help create me this GUI.
>PS: The desired GUI is attached as a GIF file. The version v1.4.5.1 is
>a label the contents of which are dynamically picked.
>Thanks and regards,

Guys please help me on this topic. No answers make me suspect if I
mailed the query as per the mailing list guidelines.


<<attachment: Desired GUI.GIF>>

#Filename:        myModule1
#Description:     Creates the basic Tkinter programs
#Author:          Rajat Dudeja
#Date:            16.08.2008

from Tkinter import *
#GUI class
class myAppGUI:
    def __init__(self, master):
        #Start Test Button
        self.bStartTest = Button( master, \
                                  text = "Start Test", \
                                  command = self.hStartTest, \
        self.bStartTest.config( justify = CENTER, \
                                padx = 20, \
                                width = 10,
                               #pady= 5, \
                                relief = RAISED
        self.bStartTest.grid( row = 10, \
                              column = 2, \
                              columnspan = 1, \
                              sticky = EW)
        #Commit Results Button
        self.bCommitResults = Button( master, \
                                      text = "Commit Results", \
                                      command = self.hCommitResults \
        self.bCommitResults.config( justify = CENTER, \
                                    padx = 20, \
                                    #pady= 5, \
                                    width = 10, \
                                    relief = RAISED
        self.bCommitResults.grid( row = 10, \
                                  column = 5, \
                                  columnspan = 1, \
                                  sticky = EW)
        #Exit Button
        self.bExit = Button( master, \
                             text = "Exit", \
                             command = master.quit )
        self.bExit.config( justify = CENTER, \
                           padx = 20, \
                           width= 10, \
                           relief = RAISED, \
        self.bExit.grid( row = 10, \
                         column = 8, \
                         columnspan = 1, \
                         sticky = EW)
        #Labels and Drop down menus
        #Label 1
        self.lAnalysisLib = Label( master, \
                                   text = "Analysis Library:", \
                                   justify = RIGHT)
        self.lAnalysisLib.grid(row = 0)
        #Label 2                   
        self.lRefAnalysisLibVer = Label( master, \
                                      text = "Reference Analysis Libary 
Version:", \
                                      justify = LEFT)
        self.lRefAnalysisLibVer.config( wraplength = 100 )
        self.lRefAnalysisLibVer.grid(row = 5)
    def hStartTest(self):
        print 'Starting Test...'
    def hCommitResults(self):
        print 'Commiting to SVN...'

#End of myAppGUI Class    
# Main Program
myRoot = Tk()
myRoot.title("Test Automation")
myRoot.minsize(800, 400)
myAppGUIObject = myAppGUI(myRoot)

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