[..join(['fred','dixon'] wrote:

> I want to get the selection of several wxChoice boxes.
> But i do not want to have to catch the events for all the boxes
> I should be able to access the current selection outside of an
> event,but i am not seeing how to do this.

> #    def EvtChoice(self, event):
> #        print('EvtChoice: %s\n' % event.GetString())
> #        self.ch.Append("A new item")
> #
> ##-----changed here --------- from event.GetSelection()
> #        if self.ch.GetSelection() == 'one':
> #            print('Well done!\n')

Perhaps you are confused by the fact that GetSelection() returns an integer?
Changing the above to either

if self.ch.GetStringSelection() == 'one':
    print 'Well done!'


if self.ch.GetSelection() == 1:
    print 'Well done, too!'

should work as you expect then.



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