magloca a écrit :
Bruno Desthuilliers @ Thursday 21 August 2008 17:31:

If you mean "the exceptions *explicitely raised* by your code", then
I agree. But with any generic enough code, documenting any possible
exception that could be raised by lower layers, objects passed in as
arguments etc is just plain impossible. Like, if you have a function
that takes a file-like object as arg, you just cannot know in
advance what exceptions this object might raise.

This is one of the main concerns with which I started this
thread ! I think it's a pity that we have no way of anticipating and
constraining the exceptions thrown by our code,
Java's "checked exception" system has proven to be a total disaster.

Could you elaborate on that? I'm not disagreeing with you (or agreeing,
for that matter); I'd just really like to know what you mean by
a "total disaster."

One of the most (in)famous Java coding pattern is the empty catchall clause. Read Chris Mellon and Richard Levasseur posts in this thread for more details - they already covered the whole point.

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