Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>> On 2008-08-27 12:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > Got file <odbc.pyd> in dir <C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\win32>
>> > Found in path:
>> > <C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\win32>
>> > <C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\win32>
>> This looks strange... the same module in two dirs that only
>> differ by case ?
>       Even stranger when you take into account that under Windows, path
> names are case-preserving/case-ignored -- so Lib and lib are the SAME
> directory (I suspect some environment variable has the directory listed
> twice with the change in spelling -- PythonPath perhaps?)

Please note that one of the lines is the directory that was found in the
"os.walk" loop and the other is the one in sys.path -- I just had them
printed out on adjacent lines to point out the difference in case.

Anyway, the thing was fixed when I put C:\Python25 into the DOS $PATH
environment variable. Still strange though.


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