
I am working on an academic research project where I need to log in to
a website (www.lexis.com) over HTTPS and execute a bunch of queries to
gather a data set. I just discovered the mechanize module, which seems
great because it's a high-level tool. However, I can't find any decent
documentation for mechanize apart from the docstrings, which are
pretty thin. So I just followed some other examples I found online, to
produce the following:

baseurl = 'http://www.lexis.com/'
br = mechanize.Browser()
br.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Firefox')]
result = br.submit()

This code hangs at br.submit(), and I can't tell what I'm doing wrong.
Typically I would inspect the HTTP data with an HTTP debugging proxy
(Fiddler), but I guess since this is HTTPS I can't do that. Any
glaring errors in my code?

By the way, does anyone have suggestions for Python modules that I
should use instead of mechanize (and that are sufficiently easy)? If
mechanize fails, I might try modifying some similar Perl code a friend
sent me that logs into lexis.com.

Thanks so much,


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