On 4 Sep., 10:31, "M.-A. Lemburg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2008-09-04 07:49, Kay Schluehr wrote:
> > 3) Following the public rumor mill and the latest hype RIA i.e. the
> > merge of web- and desktop applications with systems like Adobe AIR,
> > JavaFX, Google Gears and MS Silverlight is the future of frontend
> > development. With the exception of IronPython and Silverlight, Python
> > hasn't even entered this game and no one knows if it ever will.
> Actually, it has already and quite some time ago:
> http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=208528
> The recipe is simple: use Python for the business logic, database
> interfacing, etc and have it talk to a Flex front-end via XML-RPC
> or REST.

Python is still server-side in this scenario and plays no role in UI
definitions. So one doesn't get more than e.g. Django apps that
respond to HTTP requests triggered by JavaScript forms except that
JavaScript+HTML+Browser is replaced by Flex = AS3+MXML+FlashPlayer.
The role of Python is somewhat arbitrary. This could change only if
Python becomes a client side language executed by AVM, V8 etc. like
IronPython in Silverlight.

About separating UI from application logics by assigning functionality
to different general purpose languages I have to admit that I don't
think it is such a great idea ...

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