Marco Bizzarri a écrit :
Sorry... pressed enter but really didn't want to.

As I said, let's say I have a class

class A:
    def __init__(self):
         self.x = None

Python makes the decision to allow the developers to directly access
the attribute "x",

So do Java, if you make your attribute public (which would be a big error given Java's lack of support for computed attribute, but this is another problem).

 so that they can directly write: "a.x = 1", or
whatever; this has for me the unfortunate side effect that if I write,
for example "a.y = 1", when I really wanted to write "a.x = 1" no one
cares about it,

I assume *you* do !-)

But this is barely related to having explicit setters or not - it comes from the fact that the default[1] Python's object behaviour is to support arbitrary attribute setting.

[1] some objects don't, but this is mostly for optimization reasons.

and I'm unable to spot this error until later.

Not sure, but IIRC tools like pylint or pychecker might be able to warn you about this. But anyway :

Of course, I know that while I'm fresh, I've a good knowledge of the
code, and anything else, I will be able to avoid such stupid errors;
however, I'm afraid of the times when I'm tired, when I have to put my
hands on the code of someone else, and so on.

The edit/test cycle in Python is usually fast enough so you should spot the problem *pretty* quickly. This is at least what I learned from 8+ years of python (and a couple other dynamic languages) programming...

Not to say that problems like the one you mention (or similar problems with dynamic typing etc) never happens, nor that they're never painful to track down and fix - just that they happen way less often than one might fear, and are most of the time really quickly spotted and fixed.

Please, understand that I'm not stating that python is wrong... after
all, if it is wrong, I can move to a language like Java, which has a
different approach on it.

I don't think it's a matter of "right" or "wrong" - mostly a matter of tradeoffs and balance. But if you go for static typing and (allegedly) provable correctness, you may want to have a look at languages like OCaml.

I'm really very interested in reading past
discussion on it, if they are available.

Well... Most of these "discussions" alas boil down to bondage&discipline proponants asserting - against all evidences - that dynamic languages are unsafe and unusable for anything else than simple throw-away scripts or toy projects, and dynamic proponants arguing - against all evidences - that static typing and everything related is just a waste of time (FWIW, you might find myself in the first camp until approx year 2k and the second for the five or six following years). And sometimes, someone a bit more sensible trying to take a more balanced approach to the problem, usually to no avail.

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