George Yoshida wrote:
> Rakesh wrote:
>  > To quote a much smaller trimmed-down example, here is how it looks
>  > like:
>  > ## -----------------------------------------------
>  > # Entry Point to the whole program
>  > ## -----------------------------------------------
>  > def main():
>  >     mylist = GenerateList()
>  >     minnumber = min(mylist)
>  >     for num in mylist:
>  >         print num - minnumber
>  >         ## TODO: Interpreter errors above.
> Try printing mylist. Then you'll know why - operand doesn't work.
> You're creating a nested tuple.
> I'd recommend changing the original script to something like::
>    seconds = []
>    [snip]
>        # Convert the date format to the seconds since epoch
>        for i in xrange( len(dates) ):
>            thissecond = parseDate(dates[i][1])
>            seconds.append(thissecond)
> or if you want to stick with tuple::
>    seconds = ()
>    [snip]
>        # Convert the date format to the seconds since epoch
>        for i in xrange( len(dates) ):
>            thissecond = parseDate(dates[i][1])
>            seconds += (thissecond, )
> -- george

   Thanks. That fixed the problem.

## --------------------------------------------
## Generate a list
## --------------------------------------------
def GenerateList():
    array = []
    for i in xrange(10):
    return array

## -----------------------------------------------
# Entry Point to the whole program
## -----------------------------------------------
def main():
    mylist = GenerateList()
    minnumber = min(mylist)
    for num in mylist:
        print num - minnumber

## --------------------------------
# Entry-point to the whole program
## --------------------------------

This is how my revised code looks like


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