On Sep 9, 5:59 pm, castironpi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I will try my idea again. I want to talk to people about a > module I want to write and I will take the time to explain it. > I think it's a "cool idea" that a lot of people, forgiving the > slang, could benefit from. > > (snipped) > > A pure Python alloc-free implementation based on the GNU PAVL > tree library is on Google Code. It is only in proof-of-concept > form and not commented, but does contain a first-pass test > suite. See: > http://code.google.com/p/pymmapstruct/source/browse/#svn/trunk
So at best (i.e. if it actually makes any sense; I didn't read it), this is an ANNouncement of a pre-alpha piece of code. ANN posts rarely attract replies, even when they are about production/stable software. Thankfully, most people don't expect (let alone "require") readers to share their interest or enthusiasm by replying to the ANN. Given your past semi-coherent and incoherent posts, expecting people to jump on such a thread is a rather tall order. George -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list