from Numeric import *

# Initialize the 32x16 global array to zeros
tbl = zeros((32, 16)

def getValue( value):
    data = test(value)
    c1 = data[0]
    c2 = data[1]
    print tbl[c1, c2]

def test( value):
    t1 = 0x0
    t2 = 0x1
    return tbl[t1, t2]

In test, tbl[0x0, 0x1] is just going to give you a single element of tbl, in this case a 0. So data is a 0. data[0] and data[1] doesn't really make much sense. Is this the code you actually get the IndexError with? I'm using numarray, not Numeric, and I know there are some differences, but the code above doesn't give me an IndexError:

py> import numarray as na
py> tbl = na.zeros((32, 16))
py> def get_value():
...     data = test()
...     c1 = data[0]
...     c2 = data[1]
...     print tbl[c1, c2]
py> def test():
...     t1 = 0x0
...     t2 = 0x1
...     return tbl[t1, t2]
py> get_value()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
  File "<interactive input>", line 3, in get_value
TypeError: unsubscriptable object


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