Il Mon, 18 Aug 2008 12:15:10 +0100, dudeja.rajat ha scritto:

>>I'm learning Python and Tkinter. I've started programming in Eclipse
>>with PyDev. I'm intending to create a GUI. I'm not able to understand
>>the Grid manager perhaps because there is quite a less documentation
>>available for it on the net.
>>My desired GUI is attached in the mail. Although I've tried writing a
>>class module for this GUI but I'm not able to set all things right in
>>the GUI. The Biggest problem seems to be with the Grid Manager in terms
>>how it divides a window in Rows / columns. etc. I'm not able to place
>>none of the widgets correctly in the GUI.
>>For your convenience, I'm attaching this code also as .
>>Please some one review it and help create me this GUI.

Uhm, I don't think you should use the grid manager to obtain a window 
like that. The grid manager is for equally distributing widgets both 
horizontally and vertically. 
And I'm not sure that you can realize that window look with Tkinter.
You could get close by horizontally packing each widget row in a frame 
and then vertically packing the frames in the window. But the look will be
quite different than your target. If you are not satisfied with that I
suggest you move to other toolkits which have more complex geometry 
managers than .pack and .grid.


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