rs387 wrote:

I've encountered a weird issue when migrating a web server to Python 3
- the browser would wait forever without showing a page, displaying
"Transferring data" in the status bar. I tracked it down to a
reference cycle in my BaseHTTPRequestHandler descendant - one of the
attributes stored a dict of methods. Removing the cycle made the
problem go away.

In Python 2.5.2 the code works fine either way.

Here's a minimal example which runs in both 2.5 and 3.0 - to see stuck
connections run as-is in 3.0 and navigate to http://localhost:8123; to
fix this comment out "self.dummy = self" (alternatively reset
self.dummy = None at the end of the __init__ method).

Am I doing it wrong, or is this a bug?

it's weird enough to deserve an issue over at, at least.

it'd probably be a good idea to test this on 2.6rc as well.



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