I am talking about text file which contain multiple lines e.g following
three lines are there in my textfile.txt

this is python list
where we get support
from geeks

I want

sentence = this is python list where we get support from geeks

whereas when i use simple read() i get something like this

sentence = this is python list\nwhere we get support\nfrom geeks

You mean

  sentence = myfile.read().replace('\n', ' ')


If you want to compact multiple spaces, such as

  this is the python__
  list where__
  __we get support

(where "_" represents a space) and you want that to become

  this is the python list where we get support

you'd have to use slightly more intelligent processing, and explain the behavior you'd want if more than one blank line was encountered. But for a first pass:

  import re
  r = re.compile(r"\s*\n")

  sentence = r.sub(" ", myfile.read())



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