On Sep 18, 7:48 pm, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > Steve Holden wrote:
> >> Does anyone have a Python recipe for this?
> >>>> from PIL import ImageFont
> >>>> f = ImageFont.truetype("/windows/fonts/verdanai.ttf", 1)
> >>>> f.font.family
> > 'Verdana'
> >>>> f.font.style
> > 'Italic'
> Thanks so much, Fredrik. The reason I asked is because I found the
> specification completely opaque ...
> regards
>  Steve
> --
> Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
> Holden Web LLC              http://www.holdenweb.com/

Here's the code to parse the spec.

#customize path
f= open( '\\windows\\fonts\\arial.ttf', 'rb' )
from struct import *

shead= Struct( '>IHHHH' )
fhead= f.read( shead.size )
dhead= shead.unpack_from( fhead, 0 )

#font directory
stable= Struct( '>4sIII' )
ftable= f.read( stable.size* dhead[ 1 ] )
for i in range( dhead[1] ): #directory records
    dtable= stable.unpack_from(
            ftable, i* stable.size )
    if dtable[0]== 'name': break
assert dtable[0]== 'name'

#name table
f.seek( dtable[2] ) #at offset
fnametable= f.read( dtable[3] ) #length
snamehead= Struct( '>HHH' ) #name table head
dnamehead= snamehead.unpack_from( fnametable, 0 )

sname= Struct( '>HHHHHH' )
for i in range( dnamehead[1] ): #name table records
    dname= sname.unpack_from(
            fnametable, snamehead.size+ i* sname.size )
    if dname[3]== 4: #key == 4: "full name of font"
        s= unpack_from(
                '%is'% dname[4], fnametable,
                dnamehead[2]+ dname[5] )[0]
        print dname, s

This outputs:

(0, 3, 0, 4, 10, 318)  A r i a l
(1, 0, 0, 4, 5, 4081) Arial
(3, 1, 1033, 4, 10, 318)  A r i a l

First 3 fields:

0, 3, 0= Unicode, Unicode 2.0, English
1, 0, 0= Macintosh, Default, English
3, 1, 1033= Windows, Version 1.1, Language "1033"

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