Alex Snast wrote:

I'm new to python and i can't figure out how to write a reverse for
loop in python

e.g. the python equivalent to the c++ loop

for (i = 10; i >= 0; --i)

What are you trying to loop through?

If it's the contents of a list, you can reverse the list (in place) first:

L = [1,2,3]
for item in L:
 print item

Or you can create a new reversed (copy of the original) list and iterate through it

for item in reversed(L):
 print item

If it's just a sequence of numbers you want to generate:

range(3)  generates a forward list [0,1,2], and
range(3,0,-1) generates a backward list [2,1,0]


for i in range(11,0,-1):

might be what you want.

If your list is huge, consider xrange rather than range.

And as always, you could just roll your own index manipulation:

i = 10
while i >=0:
 # do whatever
 i -= 1

Gary Herron


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