En Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:45:21 -0300, k3xji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

Hi all,

I am trying to develop a game-server in python. Design is as

- ConnectionManager - handling/distributing incoming connections
- IOManager - handling IO recv/send operations on sockets.
- Socket - basic async socket object
- SocketServer - handling multiple socket object requests.
- Options - holds the server options (inheritable)

I want this code to be extensible as it can be. So I have developed it
like this. I f one is going to implement some new feature, all needs
to be done is to inherit IOManager or Server object to do it.
Inheritable objects are IOManager, SocketServer and Options.

But there is some feeling about this design that it can be better.
Here is the main.py which I am using to execute the server:

from Base.SocketServer import SocketServer
from testIOManager import testIOManager
from Base.Options import Options
from Base.ConnectionManager import ConnectionManager

iomgr = testIOManager()
opts = Options()

# calculate how many server objects to create
# according to the maximum allowed client count.
Servers = []
for i in range(serverCnt):
    server = Server(i)

cmgr = ConnectionManager(Servers, iomgr, opts)

With current design as server object is inheritable, I need to pass it
to ConnectionManager object. I just have a feeling that above design
is bad in the sense of readability.

You may imitate how asyncore [1] handles channels: make the library contain a (global) list of servers; the Server (base) constructor adds itself to the list; and ConnectionManager uses that list if not explicitely supplied one. But I'm not sure it improves readability: there is no explicit link between the Servers you construct and the ConnectionManager, but the latter "magically" knows about all the formers. It's easier to manage, though.

(I don't undersantd exactly why you insist in the inheritable part; isn't the same if it were not inheritable? Maybe I don't get your main concerns correctly...)

Gabriel Genellina


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