Fixed it so it now runs from the command line and from winpython as well as idle in Python 2.4 on Windows Xp. I still don't know about linux systems.
I decided on as the filename and viewit() as the calling name. #---start--- # """ A utility to print the value of variables for debugging and instructional purposes. To use: from viewnames import viewit viewit() Insert it in the program where you want to examine names. It will pause after it prints so that it will work in loops. Author: Ronald Adam """ import sys if __name__ is not '__main__': import __main__ def readnames(): """ Build a sequential name list and a dictionary of objects and name references by groups. """ objdict = {} # Collect references to object. namelist = [] # List of names and values by frame. n = 2 name = None while name not in ['runcode', 'RunScript', chr(63)]: # Move up in the frames to gather name data. # until the application global frame is reached. name = sys._getframe(n).f_code.co_name #print name namelst = [name,[]] namespace = sys._getframe(n).f_locals keys = namespace.keys() # Get all the names in this frame. for k in keys: try: trash = objdict[id(namespace[k])][name] except: try: objdict[id(namespace[k])][name]=[k] except: objdict[id(namespace[k])]={name:[k]} else: objdict[id(namespace[k])][name].append(k) namelst[1].append((k,namespace[k],id(namespace[k]))) # Read any attributes if there is a dictionary. attribs = None try: attribs = namespace[k].func_dict except: pass if attribs: for att in attribs: attname = k+'.'+att try: trash = objdict[id(attribs[att])][attname] except: try: objdict[id(attribs[att])][name]=[attname] except: objdict[id(attribs[att])]={name:[attname]} else: objdict[id(attribs[att])][name].append(attname) namelst[1].append((attname,attribs[att],id(attribs[att]))) namelist.append(namelst) n += 1 return objdict, namelist def sortnocase(stringlist): tupleList = [(x[0].lower(), x) for x in stringlist] tupleList.sort() return [x[1] for x in tupleList] def printnames( objdict, namelist): """ Now print what we collected. """ namelist.reverse() # Reverse it so we have globals at the top. tab = 0 for gname, group in namelist: # Print group name. if gname == chr(63): # Idle uses this as name as app-globals. gname = 'globals' if gname == namelist[-1:][0][0]: gname = 'locals:'+gname # Indicate locals group. print '%s[%s]'%(' '*tab, gname) tab += 1 # Print group items. # Sort group fist. group = sortnocase(group) for name, obj, objid in group: # Print the varable name print ' '*tab,name,'-->', # Print object # Remove & replace a lot of clutter as we print it. # List other names pointing to mutable objects. obj2 = obj # Make a copy to edit if needed. if name == '__doc__': if len(str(obj))>30: obj2 = obj2.strip() obj2 = '"'+obj2[:6]+' ... '+obj2[-6:]+'"' #obj = '<docstring>' if 'module' in str(obj): # These remove clutter obj2 = '<module>' # More probably needs to be if 'function' in str(obj): # done here. obj2 = '<function>' # Print the object print obj2, # Print the other names pointing to # the object. endofline = '' # If object is immutable, don't print references. if type(obj) not in [int, str, float, bool, tuple] \ and obj not in [True, False, None]: for key in objdict[objid].keys(): grp = key if key == chr(63): grp = 'globals' namegroup = objdict[objid][key] n = 0 for nm in namegroup: if nm != name: if n>0: endofline += ', ' if grp != gname: endofline += grp+':'+nm else: endofline += nm n += 1 if len(endofline)>0: endofline = '<-- '+endofline print endofline def viewit(): """ Show current names """ objdict, namelist = readnames() print printnames( objdict, namelist) print raw_input('Press enter to continue.') """ A few nonsense test functions. """ def test1(): global g t = g t = [9] test2.at1 = [True] test2(t) def test2(w): a = glist aaa = test2.at1 test2.at1[0] = True a[0] = 'a changed' w[0] = 'altered' viewit() if __name__ == '__main__': # Make a few globals to see. g = 45 h = g glist = ['just a','list'] # Put an attribute on a function # to find. test2.at1 = 25 # Run test function. test1() #---end--- --