En Sun, 28 Sep 2008 19:25:30 -0300, Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

I'm trying to implement autocompletion into my editor.
But I find some weird behavior,
or at least I don't have the faintest  idea why  this behavior occures,
and even more important how to solve it
In the example below I try to autocomplete " wx.s" , which in my humble opinion should at least produce "wx.stc" (and some others ).

wx is a package. Modules within the package are not, by default, attributes of the package - unless they're imported in __init__.py or your code imports them. So the autocompleter is doing the right thing - wx.stc does not exist until it is explicitely imported.

py> import wx
py> wx.stc
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'stc'
py> 'stc' in dir(wx)
py> import wx.stc
py> wx.stc
<module 'wx.stc' from '...'>
py> 'stc' in dir(wx)

Gabriel Genellina


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