En Wed, 01 Oct 2008 14:48:52 -0300, Almar Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

I wanted to give your solution a try, but got stuck.
The file that I want to replace the "standard input" with is a pseudo file
object with a custom read method. I have a hard time finding out how
to have a file descriptor (or fileno) associated with it.

I tried inheriting from the "file" class (using a dummy file on disk), and
overriding the read() and __init__() method. To test I used
but it reads the contents of my dummy file rather than using my read method.
So obviously it does some low level stuff there...

I did not understand completely what you want, and rereading previous posts I got even more confused...
Could you provide a complete description of what you want to do?
Is it a single process, or two separate processes? Running on the same machine or remotely? All python or there is another program involved?

Gabriel Genellina


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