greg wrote:
jhermann wrote:

I didn't see this mentioned in the thread yet: the double-lambda is
unnecessary (and a hack).

Well, the alternative -- abusing default argument values --
is seen by many to be a hack as well, possibly a worse one.

I disagree. It is one way to evaluate an expression when a function is compiled.

It doesn't work in general, e.g. it fails if the function
needs to be called with a variable number of arguments.

So? Many things do not work 'in general'. If one wants multiple closures with a variable number of arguments, one should use a def statement and some other binding method, such as given below

Here are four ways to get the list of closures desired:
All print 0 ... 9 with for f in lst:  print(f()) #3.0

lst = []
for i in range(10):
    lst.append(eval("lambda: %d" %i))

# use exec instead of eval with def statement instead of lambda expression

lst = []
def f(i): return lambda: i
for i in range(10):

#I would most likely use this, with a def instead of lambda inside f for any real, non-trivial example.

def populate(n):
  n -= 1
  if n >= 0: return populate(n)+[lambda:n]
  else: return []
lst = populate(10)

# body recursion

def populate(i,n,lst):
    if i < n: return populate(i+1,n,lst+[lambda:i])
    else: return lst
lst = populate(0,10,[])

# tail recursion

Terry Jan Reedy


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