> has anyone written a gif creator program purely in python that doesn't
> require PIL or tons of other claptrap?
> the GIF89a format is pretty straightforward and C is not required to
> create these files.
> i didn't want to have to upgrade to a newer release of python, install
> a huge bunch of stuff or compile
> anything.  and i don't care about other formats or animation or
> whatever.  black and white is ok.
> i just want to be able to create a gif that's 100x40 (or whatever) and
> pass in an array saying
> which pixels are black or white.
> sounds pretty simple doesn' t it?

It doesn't sound anywhere near as simple as downloading and installing
PIL then using that. Claptrap is in the eye of the beholder. There are
many pitfalls awaiting the programmer who decides to write something to
do such a "simple" task ...

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC              http://www.holdenweb.com/


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