On Oct 7, 10:05 am, Gabriel Rossetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello everyone!
> I trying to work with time and I a bit confused... If I look at my
> clock, it's 16:59 (4:59pm), if I type "date" in a terminal, it says the
> same thing. I'm wanting to write a simple NTP-type server/client (it's
> not NTP at all actually, but does the same thing). The idea is that a
> client sends it it's UTC offset and it returns the current time, so the
> server side checks the time and adds the UTC offset given by the client.
> I'm a UTC/GMT +1, I tried obtaining the UTC time, it says it's 2 hours
> earlier than the current time (14:59). I tried various other methods, I
> still get the wrong time. Does anyone have an idea with what is wrong?
> Thanks,
> Gabriel

Take a look at the time module. It has the functions you'll need.
Here's a proof of concept:


import time

def getCurrentTime(offset):
    Assumes offset is in hours and must convert
    the offset to seconds
    offset = offset * 60 * 60
    now = time.time() # returns seconds since the epoch
    # gmtime creates a time_struct instance to allow formatting
    now_struct = time.gmtime(now)
    print time.strftime("Current time: %H:%M", now_struct)
    now += offset
    now_struct = time.gmtime(now)
    print time.strftime("Current time: %H:%M", now_struct)
    return now

if __name__ == "__main__":


See the docs for more info:  


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