What could be cooler than Ruby and Rails authors, experts, and
hundreds of professionals that work with Ruby on a daily basis – all
together in one location for great discussions and debates? That’s
what will happen at the Voices That Matter: Professional Ruby
Conference coming to Boston, November 18-20th.

Obie Fernandez - Giles Bowkett – Josh Susser - Blaine Cook - Ezra
Zygmuntowicz - Michael Hartl - Thomas Enebo - Hal Fulton - and dozens
of others!

You should join us! We’ll be talking about some intriguing topics and
there will be lots of time for Q&A and code sharing. It’ll be
educational and it’ll be fun.

Give us a call or send us an email now and we’ll tell you all about
the event and provide you with a free eBook.

To request more information and receive your free eBook, email
[EMAIL PROTECTED], call 617-848-7026, or request information
online at http://www.voicesthatmatter.com/ruby2008/index.aspx.


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