I'm currently using code like this to create unbound methods
from functions and stick them into classes:

   method = new.instancemethod(raw_func, None, cls)
   setattr(cls, name, method)

Ok, python 2.6, run with the -3 flag, gives a warning that the new
module is going away in python 3.0, so the equivalent code is:

   method = types.MethodType(raw_func, None, cls)
   setattr(cls, name, method)

However, this code will not work in Python 3.0 because there are
no unbound methods any longer.  The only way that I found so far
is this code:

   method = lambda self, *args: raw_func(self, *args)
   setattr(cls, name, method)

or the equivalent:

   def method(self, *args):
       return raw_func(self, *args)
   setattr(cls, name, method)

but this is very ugly, imo.  Is there another way?
The raw_func instances that I have are not descriptors (they
do not implement a __get__() method...)


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