I need to put in the var property of the first object from the list
that is not None. Somth like:

foo = first_of([any, beny, riki,]).name

Dont want to ugly if-cascade:

foo = any.name if name is not None else beny.name if beny is not None \
else riki.name if riki is not None

assuming you meant "foo = any.name if ***any*** is not None else beny.name..."

If you have a fixed/hard-coded list of elements, you could something like:

  foo = (any or beny or riki).name

If you have dynamic list of elements:

  class NoElementFound(Exception): pass
  def first(iterable):
    for element in iterable:
      if element: return element
    raise NoElementFound

  lst = [any, beny]
  if condition: lst.append(riki)
  print first(lst).name

This first() is about the functionality of the SQL Coalesce() function.

Hope this helps,



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