Hello all,

I'm hesitating to change news readers because I like Google's
interface.  In the interests of discussion, I'd make better
contributions without it, if only because it's a known spam source,
but its reader format beats the alternatives I've seen.  I checked out
the 'nntplib' module to see if some hybrid with Thunderbird and GMane,
for example, would be possible.  I don't think it would be that hard,
but before I put in the effort, I wanted feedback.  Here's what I like
about it.

When new messages come, the entire thread they're in is moved to the
top of the list.  You can click on it and browse the entire topic, and
compose your reply right under the message you're replying to.  You
can also mark topics, to keep updated on when and what replies to your
messages come too.  I haven't found all these features in another
reader, including Outlook, Thunderbird, and GMane.  You've noticed
Thunderbird isn't the best for discussing Python, due to its colored
indents instead of caret marks in the interpreter prompt..  Free is a
big plus too.

What's my best option?  Hijack Google's reader, and override 'reply'
to use an SMTP account?  Write my own, perhaps sorting marked and
unmarked messages separately?

It's of course everyone's choices whether to block Google or not, and
miss out on anyone that posts them through Google.  I don't think the,
'Well, if you insist' tactic is as cooperative and productive as
acknowledging, 'It's a big spam source, maybe I can find a provider
that isn't so beneficial to blacklist'.

Is there any resolution to the dilemma?

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