On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 04:08:03 -0700 (PDT), Rafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just so I don't hijack my own thread, the issue is 'how to wrap an
> object which is not case sensitive'.
> The reason I am stuck dealing with this?... The application's API is
> accessed through COM, 
> XSI allows many languages to be used via COM, even from within the
> software (there are built-in code editors). In the early days,
> VBScript was the most common scripting language used while anything
> more hard-core was done in C++ (of course the C implementation is case
> sensitive - well as far as I know). Then JScript became the most
> common, now Python is considered standard.
[Much other stuff I didn't understand is snipped here.]

I apologize in advance if this appears unhelpful.  I
couldn't make hide nor hair of the above explanation.

The apparent requirement that there be no boundary between
the software's developers (who presumably are trained and
can learn case conventions) and its users is a completely
new one to me.  Can you possibly make such software
reliable?  Doesn't this open you up to the mother of all SQL
injection attacks?  I really would like to understand the
circumstances in which "Keep the users out of the code" (or,
pretty much equivalent, "Don't let the implementation
language drive the user interface") isn't the right answer.

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