En Tue, 14 Oct 2008 03:27:37 -0300, Aditi Meher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

I am using ubuntu operating system,i am using python and self app for
DB storage.

I hv already mentioned in my question that i want to display 10
records out of 100,how to create buffer to store remaining records
which i am not displaying.

I know the logic,but my language of sytax is not good so i want actual
code please can u mail it to me.

I have created DB using self app and after that created table using
python into DB, i hv also inserted the records into it using python.

Maybe you're making things more complicated that they should be.
You don't have to create a "buffer" to store records. If you only want to move forward (that is, you don't have to show previous records) just keep the cursor, and use cursor.fetchmany(10) to fetch the next 10 rows to show. If you have to move back and forth, just use cursor.fetchall and store the result (this is your "buffer", a list of records). For 100 records that's all you need. If you expect it to grow to 100000 records, or have many users concurrently updating the database, this might not be the right answer.

Gabriel Genellina


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