Joshua Kugler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Pat wrote:
>>> Rewrite everything in python.  Save yourself now...while you still
>>> can.
>>> ~Sean
>> Trust me. Sean is absolutely correct. I'm currently in the process of
>> converting a large Perl project to Python (and learning Python at the
>> same time) and the improvement in code is incredible.  After you learn
>> Python, you'll come to despise Perl.
> I'm not a Python fan-boy, but I'm going to have to agree with Sean too.  I
> had been using Perl on-and-off for some 10 years, when I finally had to
> write a 500-ish line script in Perl for some data processing.  It got messy
> in a hurry.  Is this a hash? Is it a reference to a hash? Is it a reference
> to a hash of array references?  Gaaah!  I rewrote it in Python, and it was
> so much easier to keep all my data structures straight.
> j

Perl just gives you a lot of rope.

You can do a lot of neat things with rope. ;)

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