On Oct 17, 2008, at 3:19 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:

And my real point is that this is exactly the same as in every
other modern language.

No, it isn't.  In many other languages (C, Pascal, etc.), a
"variable" is commonly thought of as a fixed location in memory
into which one can put values.  Those values may be references
to objects.

Right, though not in languages like C and Pascal that don't HAVE the notion of objects. We really ought to stop bringing up those dinosaurs and instead compare Python to any modern OOP language.

 In Python, that's not how it works.  There is no
"location in memory" that corresponds to a variable with a
particular name the way there is in C or Pascal or Fortran or
many other languages.

No? Is there any way to prove that, without delving into the Python source itself?

If not, then I think you're talking about an internal implementation detail.

All that exists in Python is a name->object mapping.

And what does that name->object mapping consist of? At some level, there has to be a memory location that stores the reference to the object, right?

Nothing unusual here at all (except that some of us here seem
to want to make up new terminology for standard behavior,
perhaps in order to make Python seem more exotic).

That's because it is fundamentally different from what happens
in languages like C.

What happens in a modern OOP language is just as fundamentally different (which is to say, not really very much) from what happens in C or FORTRAN or COBOL, too.

But if there's any demonstrable difference between Python and any other modern OOP language, I'd love to hear about it.

a = a + [something]

rebinds a

In standard terminology, it assigns a new value to a.

The problem is that listeners from a C or FORTRAN background
will infer that there is a fixed region of memory named "a" and
"assigning a value to a" means writing that new value into the
region of memory named "a".

And they'd be correct. The value being written, in this case, as a reference to some data that lives somewhere on the heap. Point that out, and now their understanding is correct.

But if you instead say something like "all parameters are passed by reference in Python," then the user gets the wrong idea. That statement has a specific meaning which is, quite demonstrably, not true.

If you make up new terms like "rebinds," well, I guess at least that avoids giving the listener the wrong idea. Instead it gives them no idea at all, which may be better, but not as good as giving them the right idea. It still leaves them to investigate what actually happens, and ultimately they will find that the parameters are always passed by value in Python. May as well save them the trouble and point that out up front.

And how many recovering FORTRAN or C programmers do we get around here, anyway? Java is what they've been teaching in school for the last several years, and it was C++ for a good decade before that. The semantics of Python (insofar as objects, assignments, and parameters are concerned) are exactly the same as Java, and Java is just a cleaned-up and streamlined C++. Even old-timers (like me) who learned FORTRAN and COBOL way back in the day have long since moved on.

- Joe


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