Steve Holden wrote:
Joal Heagney wrote:

Bengt Richter wrote:

On Fri, 01 Apr 2005 07:46:41 GMT, Joal Heagney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oh goddammmnitttt. I seem to be doing this a lot today. Look below for the extra addition to the code I posted.

Joal Heagney wrote:

Here's my contribution anycase:

count = 0
# Get first input
name = raw_input("Guess my name: ")
# Give the sucker two extra goes
while count < 2:
   # Check the value of name
   if name == 'Ben':
       print "You're right!"
       name = raw_input("Try again: ")

# Here's the bit I missed out. count += 1

# Of course, we haven't checked the sucker's last guess
# so we have to do that now.
if count == 2:
   if name == 'Ben':
       print "You're right!"
       print "No more tries for you!!!"

Hope this helps. Joal


Need something more straightforward, e.g., a wrapped one-liner:

>>> def guess(n=3): print ("You're right!", 'No more tries for you!!!')[n-1 in
... (x for x in xrange(n) for t in [raw_input('Guess my name: ')=='Ben']
... if not t or iter([]).next())]

Okay, now in my opinion, that's just too complex to give to a newbie as a suggested implementation. :)


I suppose this would be far too easy to understand, then:

pr =['Guess my name', 'Wrong, try again', 'Last chance']
for p in pr:
  name = raw_input(p+": ")
  if name == "Ben":
    print "You're right!"
  print "Loser: no more tries for you"


THIS is why I like python! There's always a simple, easy to understand way to do something. If it looks complex, then there must me something wrong.


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