Terry Reedy wrote:
Stef Mientki wrote:

   import sys
   p_locals  = sys._getframe(1).f_locals

Which locals does this get you? __init__'s? (locals()?)
AFAIK locals() == sys._getframe(0).f_locals

Then it is not clear to me which locals your are getting.
The locals of the code block where the instance of this class is created.

   p_globals = sys._getframe(1).f_globals

Isn't this just the same as globals()?
AFAIK, again one level up

   try :
     exec ( code, p_globals, p_locals )

This is 3.0 exec function syntax.
weird, I use it in 2.5 and if I remember well it already worked in 2.4.
but exchanging the function with the statement yields exactly the same results

2.5 manual says
"6.14 The exec statement

exec_stmt ::= "exec" or_expr ["in" expression ["," expression]]

This statement supports dynamic execution of Python code. The first expression should evaluate to either a string, an open file object, or a code object."

Your expression evaluates to a tuple (triple), which is not documented.
No I think it's indeed handled as function call.
I now that, because the globals (and sometimes ??? the locals) of the codeblock where the class is initiated is changed.
From the error message, I wondoer if p_globals, p_locals is ignored. Try
exec code in p_globals, p_locals
Yes I've already done that,
and this yields exactly the same results.
So I guess that the exec-function is already there and doesn't differ from the exec-statement. And indeed nothing to find about the exec-function in the 2.5 documentation :-(

But on the other hand,
I'm a very practical guy,
and my code seems to work quit correct now,
so I'm satisfied for the moment ;-)

thanks again,



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