Dear Python dev community,

I'm CTO at a small software company that makes music visualization
software (you can check us out at  About two
years ago we went with decision to use embedded python in a couple of
our new products, given all the great things about python.  We were
close to using lua but for various reasons we decided to go with
python.  However, over the last two years, there's been one area of
grief that sometimes makes me think twice about our decision to go
with python...

Some background first...   Our software is used for entertainment and
centers around real time, high-performance graphics, so python's
performance, embedded flexibility, and stability are the most
important issues for us.  Our software targets a large cross section
of hardware and we currently ship products for Win32, OS X, and the
iPhone and since our customers are end users, our products have to be
robust, have a tidy install footprint, and be foolproof.  Basically,
we use embedded python and use it to wrap our high performance C++
class set which wraps OpenGL, DirectX and our own software renderer.
In addition to wrapping our C++ frameworks, we use python to perform
various "worker" tasks on worker thread (e.g. image loading and
processing).  However, we require *true* thread/interpreter
independence so python 2 has been frustrating at time, to say the
least.  Please don't start with "but really, python supports multiple
interpreters" because I've been there many many times with people.
And, yes, I'm aware of the multiprocessing module added in 2.6, but
that stuff isn't lightweight and isn't suitable at all for many
environments (including ours).  The bottom line is that if you want to
perform independent processing (in python) on different threads, using
the machine's multiple cores to the fullest, then you're out of luck
under python 2.

Sadly, the only way we could get truly independent interpreters was to
put python in a dynamic library, have our installer make a *duplicate*
copy of it during the installation process (e.g. python.dll/.bundle ->
python2.dll/.bundle) and load each one explicitly in our app, so we
can get truly independent interpreters.  In other words, we load a
fresh dynamic lib for each thread-independent interpreter (you can't
reuse the same dynamic library because the OS will just reference the
already-loaded one).

>From what I gather from the python community, the basis for not
offering "real" muti-threaded support is that it'd add to much
internal overhead--and I couldn't agree more.  As a high performance C
and C++ guy, I fully agree that thread safety should be at the high
level, not at the low level.  BUT, the lack of truly independent
interpreters is what ultimately prevents using python in cool,
powerful ways.  This shortcoming alone has caused game developers--
both large and small--to choose other embedded interpreters over
python (e.g. Blizzard chose lua over python).  For example, Apple's
QuickTime API is powerful in that high-level instance objects can
leverage performance gains associated with multi-threaded processing.
Meanwhile, the QuickTime API simply lists the responsibilities of the
caller regarding thread safety and that's all its needs to do.  In
other words, CPython doesn't need to step in an provide a threadsafe
environment; it just needs to establish the rules and make sure that
its own implementation supports those rules.

More than once, I had actually considered expending company resources
to develop a high performance, truly independent interpreter
implementation of the python core language and modules but in the end
estimated that the size of that project would just be too much, given
our company's current resources.  Should such an implementation ever
be developed, it would be very attractive for companies to support,
fund, and/or license.  The truth is, we just love python as a
language, but it's lack of true interpreter independence (in a
interpreter as well as in a thread sense) remains a *huge* liability.

So, my question becomes: is python 3 ready for true multithreaded
support??  Can we finally abandon our Frankenstein approach of loading
multiple identical dynamic libs to achieve truly independent
interpreters?? I've reviewed all the new python 3 C API module stuff,
and all I have to say is: whew--better late then never!!  So, although
that solves modules offering truly independent interpreter support,
the following questions remain:

- In python 3, the C module API now supports true interpreter
independence, but have all the modules in the python codebase been
converted over?  Are they all now truly compliant?  It will only take
a single static/global state variable in a module to potentially cause
no end of pain in a multiple interpreter environment!  Yikes!

- How close is python 3 really to true multithreaded use?  The
assumption here is that caller ensures safety (e.g. ensuring that
neither interpreter is in use when serializing data from one to

I believe that true python independent thread/interpreter support is
paramount and should become the top priority because this is the key
consideration used by developers when they're deciding which
interpreter to embed in their app. Until there's a hello world that
demonstrates running independent python interpreters on multiple app
threads, lua will remain the clear choice over python.  Python 3 needs
true interpreter independence and multi-threaded support!

Andy O'Meara


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