On 11 Okt., 09:56, lkcl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The role of Python is somewhat arbitrary. This could change only if
> > Python becomes a client side language executed by AVM,V8etc.
> pyv8 -http://advogato.org/article/985.html
> pyjs.py - standalone python-to-javascript compiler, seehttp://pyjs.org.

O.K. you got me all. I give up!

I've already imlemented some small Flex supporting functionality in
the P4D Langlet [1] and I'll also checkout pyjamas ( didn't worn them
for long ) and if they are fine I work out a bridge the next days.
Then only style sheets are left :)

[1] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/P4D Langlet/

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