On Sat, 02 Apr 2005 19:59:30 +0200, "Diez B. Roggisch"

>> statements documenting the flow in a few minutes.  I'm still a bit
>> fuzzy on how the arguments are stored and passed.
>The arguments are part of the outer scope of the function returned, and thus
>they ar kept around. That's standart python,too:
>def foo():
>    a = 10
>    def bar():
>       return a*a
>    return bar
>print foo()()
>No decorator-specific magic here - just references kept to outer frames
>which form the scope for the inner function.

I followed that part.  The part that I'm having problems with is the
first nested function get's the argument for the function name without
a previous reference to the argument name in the outer frames. So, a
function call to it is being made with the function name as the
argument, and that isn't visable so it looks as if it's magic.

Ok, Since I was using the wrong model the first time, probably due to
not sleeping well and mixing past language experience in improperly,
we will try again.

In the below model, the @decorator, (object or the interpreter
executing the @decorator statement?), calls nested functions in the
function of the same name until it reaches the inner loop which is
then attached to the function name. Is this correct now?


### Decorator Dissection V.2 ###

print "\n(0) Start reading decorator defs"
def decorator(d_arg):
    print "(3) decorator: gets '"+d_arg+"'"
    def get_function(function):
        print "(6) get_function: gets 'func' object"
        def wrapper(f_arg): 
            print "(10) wrapper: gets '"+f_arg+"'"
            new_arg = f_arg+'-'+d_arg

            print "(11) wrapper: calls func('"+new_arg+"')"
            result = function(new_arg)
            print "(13) wrapper: returns '"+result+"'"
            return result

        print "(7) get_function: returns 'wrapper' object"
        return wrapper

    w = get_function 
    print "(4) decorator: return 'get_function' object"
    print '(5) @decorator: calls get_function(func)'
            # Need to print this here, done at *(5)
    return w
print "(1) Done reading decorator defs\n"

print "(2) @decorator: calls decorator('goodbye')"
            # *(5) @decorator: call get_funtion(func)
def func(s):
    print '(12) func returns:', s
    return s
print "(8) @decorator: func = wrapper\n"

print "(9) Call func('Hello') which is now wrapper object:"
result = func('Hello')
print "(14) result gets '"+result+"'\n"

print result                        


(0) Start reading decorator defs
(1) Done reading decorator defs

(2) @decorator: calls decorator('Goodbye')
(3) decorator: gets 'Goodbye'
(4) decorator: return 'get_function' object
(5) @decorator: calls get_function(func)
(6) get_function: gets 'func' object
(7) get_function: returns 'wrapper' object
(8) @decorator: func = wrapper

(9) Call func('Hello') which is now wrapper object:
(10) wrapper: gets 'Hello'
(11) wrapper: calls func('Hello-Goodbye')
(12) func returns: Hello-Goodbye
(13) wrapper: returns 'Hello-Goodbye'
(14) result gets 'Hello-Goodbye'



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