OK this question is not clear enough.

I'm trying to convert my python script to executable file.
it seems than the simple setup(console=['file.py']) won't work in my
case because i use unsupported  modules (like pywinauto and extra).

this are the modules I import:

import wx
import wx.html as html
import pythoncom, pyHook
from pywinauto import win32defines
from pywinauto.controls.HwndWrapper import win32functions
from pywinauto.controls.HwndWrapper import HwndWrapper
from pywinauto.controls.HwndWrapper import win32structures
from pywinauto.controls.HwndWrapper import time
from pywinauto.controls.HwndWrapper import Timings
from pywinauto.controls.HwndWrapper import ctypes
from pywinauto import win32defines
from pywinauto import win32functions
from pywinauto.controls.HwndWrapper import SendKeys
import sys
import urllib2
import re

import pywinauto.clipboard
import sqlite3 as lite

import time
import pyTTS

can someone please show me the right way to right write my setup.py

thank you!

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