On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 03:53:52AM -0700, gaurav kashyap wrote:
> HI,
> I am getting the following error:
> konsole: cannot connect to X server
> do i need to install the related files.

Maybe, but given that error message, probably not.

You would do yourself a great favor by providing a lot more detail
about what you are trying to do...  On a Unix/Linux system, unlike
Windows, there is no one single "shell prompt window" -- there are
lots of them.  They all need the X Window System (a suite of software
which provides a GUI interface to Unix systems -- it's not "built in"
like it is in Windows).  X works as a client-server model, and you
need to make sure X authentication is handled properly.  Depending on
what you are doing, this can be either very easy, or very complicated.

Derek D. Martin
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