Awesome...there it goes. I guess my main problem was trying to
evaluate the box before it had been displayed (or all the frame
propagations were finished). The key was getting the <Map> binding in
there once I got the count functionality to work. After all
that...such a simple function:

    def textBoxResize(self, event):
        widget = event.widget
        dispLines = widget.count("1.0", "end", "displaylines")

Thanks for the help!

On Oct 30, 9:19 am, "Guilherme Polo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/30/08, Mudcat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm not sure why my tkinter would not be compiled against 8.5 since I
> >  have the latest version. I assumed that Python 2.6 would have it
> >  without requiring me to do an extra compile.
> It is not really python's fault if tkinter is compiled against tcl/tk
> 8.5 or not. The windows installer for python 2.6 happens to include
> tcl/tk 8.5 and tkinter compiled against them, but ubuntu for example
> doesn't distribute tkinter compiled against tcl/tk 8.5 at the moment.
> >  However I was able to get it working using the code you gave me.
> >  Thanks for that. The only problem is that it seems to simply be
> >  counting newlines (or number of \n). When I use the following:
> >         numlines = widget.count("1.0", "end", "displaylines", "lines")
> >         print "Number of lines is ", numlines
> >  I get this:
> >  Number of lines is  (153, 1)
> The first is the number of displaylines, the second is the number of lines.
> >  So that's not actually the number of lines displayed in the box, just
> >  the number of newline chars it finds.
> Not really. displaylines returns the number of lines displayed in the
> text widget, and lines returns the number of newlines found.
> Note that it is important to call "count" only after the text widget
> is being displayed, otherwise displaylines won't work correctly (not
> with tk 8.5.3 at least).
> > I couldn't find anything in the
> >  tk documentation that would give me any other options to count lines
> >  differently, or number of lines displayed after wrapping.
> Try this and check what you get:
> import Tkinter
> root = Tkinter.Tk()
> text = Tkinter.Text()
> text.pack()
> def test(event):
>     print "displaylines:", text.count("1.0", "end", "displaylines")
>     print "lines:", text.count("1.0", "end", "lines")
> text.insert("1.0", "a" * 81)
> text.insert("2.0", "b\n")
> text.bind('<Map>', test)
> root.mainloop()
> You should have 3 lines displayed but only 2 "real" lines.
> --
> -- Guilherme H. Polo Goncalves


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