The software you used to post this message wrapped some of the lines of
code.  For example:
>     def __delitem__(self, key):
>         super(keytransformdict, self).__delitem__(self,
> self._transformer(key))

In defaultdict, I wonder whether everything should be viewed as a
    def setdefaultvalue(self, value):
        def factory(): return value

and the "no-default" mode would either cease to exist, or 
    def cleardefault(self):
        def factory(): 
            raise KeyError, "key does not exist and no default defined"
(too bad that the key isn't available in the factory, this degrades the
quality of the error messge)

if so, __getitem__ becomes simpler:
    __slots__ = ['_default']
    def __getitem__(self, key):
          return super(defaultdict, self).__getitem__(key)
      except KeyError:
          return self.setdefault(key, apply(*self._default))

I don't ever have an itch for sorted dictionaries, as far as I can
remember, and I don't immediately understand the use of
keytransformdict.  Can you give an example of it?


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