M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
On 2008-10-31 09:08, Tino Wildenhain wrote:

Ah thats interesting. I would not know because I usually avoid
such ugly hacks :-)

It doesn't even work for already defined local variables:

def foo():
...     x = 1
...     locals()['x'] = 2
...     print x

The reason is that locals are copied in to a C array
when entering a function. Manipulations are then
done using the LOAD_FAST, STORE_FAST VM opcodes.

The locals() dictionary only shadows these locals: it copies
the current values from the C array into the frame's
f_locals dictionary and then returns the dictionary.

This also works the other way around, but only in very

 * when running "from xyz import *"
 * when running code using "exec"

globals() on the other hand usually refers to a module
namespace dictionary, for which there are no such

I don't know of any way to insert locals modified in
a calling stack frame... but then again: why would you
want to do this anyway ?

Yes, thats what I'm saying. Unless you are writing a
debugger or something you better don't mess with the


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