On 2008-10-31 11:10, Marcin Jurczuk wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm fighting with Certificate Authority functionality with python
> I stuck on following problem: How to sign CSR using CA key and write
> resulted certificate.
> You can do it using following openssl cmd:
> openssl ca -cert CA/cert.pem -keyfile CA/private/cakey.pem -policy
> policy_anything  -out user_cert.pem -infiles userreq.pem
> My try was:
> import OpenSSL.crypto as pki
> #load CA key:
> ca_key=pki.load_privatekey(pki.FILETYPE_PEM,open('CA/private/
> cakey.pem').read(),'haselko')
> #load user's csr:
> csr=pki.load_certificate_request(pki.FILETYPE_PEM,open('userreq.pem').read())
> # sign csr
> csr.sign(ca_key,'sha1')
> I don't get any erorrs however I dont' see any way to write or get
> result from such operation
> csr exports following methods:
> csr.add_extensions  csr.get_pubkey      csr.get_subject
> csr.set_pubkey      csr.sign            csr.verify

You need to use crypto.dump_certificate() to dump and then
write the certificate back to disk.

BTW: There's a good example in the pyOpenSSL examples dir
for these things:


> I want to create pure python implementation without use of openssl
> wrapped with python code.

Good luck with that :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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