
I have pondered this notion of a 3d sketcher a bit myself. Before I go on, here is a quote from writer Neil Gaiman, author of some very good books:

"Every Published writer has had it - the people who come up to you and tell you that they've Got An Idea. And boy, is it a Doozy. It's such a Doozy that they want to Cut You In On It. The proposal is always the same - they'll tell you the idea (the hard bit), you write it down and turn it into a novel (the easy bit), the two of you split the money fifty-fifty"

In this spirit, let me offer the following observations/suggestions:

Mayavi, the open source data visualization system from enthought.com, does a very nice job of high-level wrapping of The Visualization Toolkit. VTK has both high-level wrappings of OpenGL for display, as well as many modules to import/export various 3D file formats, merging or clipping 3D objects, constructive solid geometry, etc. All of the lower-level VTK routines can be accessed through the traited VTK wrapper (TVTK) from enthought. Once you have a Mayavi scene, it is a simple matter to add anything to it, or to modify any of the objects in the scene.

Although Mayavi has evolved to be reasonably backend independent, the current version interacts most easily with the wxpython GUI toolkit. Given that they work well together, I would say that a combination of wxpython, Mayavi, and enthought Traits (recent stable versions and Python 2.5) could lead to a very interesting 3d sketching application.

If you install the wxpython demos and samples (an absolute necessity if you program with wxpython), you can dig through the installation directory and find a "samples" subdirectory, and in there you can find another folder called "pySketch." This app is a nice 2D sketching program with everything I really need for simple 2D sketches, except rotating objects (and I had to hack it to get a button to save an image and copy to clipboard) - it could probably also use buttons for various common drawing objects. If nothing else, this example might give an idea of a possible layout, and source for how to set it up.

For the 3d sketching, you would have to have some buttons for object creation (various polyhedra, sphere, ellipse, arbitrary explicit function, implicit function, constructive solid geometry surface, maybe a library of predefined widgets), extruding, surfaces of rotations, button or menu for importing/exporting an object, some buttons for clipping and merging objects (additive and subtractive merges), some buttons for object transformations (scaling, rotations, precise placement in a scene, parametric stretching, twisting/turning, mirroring objects), button for duplications, and buttons for setting object materials/colors/properties.

There are many examples of embedding a mayavi scene in other applications given in the examples directory at the mayavi/tvtk developer repository.

Also, I have come to appreciate very much the wxpython AUI managed frame, which lets you move panels, toolbars, whatever, to pretty much any location within your frame. This means that anyone using your application can customize their layout with trivial effort.

I doubt that I can get around to any of this until late next year, but I would be happy to assist if you want to take a shot at it...

Eric Carlson


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