Aahz wrote:
Note very, VERY, *VERY* carefully that the quote says nothing about
"boring code".  The quote explicitly refers to "reams of trivial code"
as boring -- and that's quite true.  Consider this distinction:

Thank you for this important clarification.

    if foo == 'red':
        print 'foo is red'
    elif foo == 'blue':
        print 'foo is blue'


print "foo is", foo

Is the space added automatically? (Like awk does, if you add a comma.)

I'm sure you can think of many other examples -- real examples -- if you
put your mind to work; Guido's point is about the essential necessity of
refactoring and rewriting code for conciseness and clarity.

Which is a good point to make in almost any language, for code that is to be maintained.


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