* Shawn Milochik (Wed, 5 Nov 2008 12:28:46 -0500)
> >> Thanks, but either I'm missing something or you're missing
> >> something. I can't do any of what you describe on the machine I
> >> want to use sqlite on.
> >>
> >> I have downloaded the binary sqlite3 file from sqlite's Web site,
> >> and
> >
> > The linux binary will not work. You need the headers and the
> > libraries. Grab the src tar ball and build and install locally.
> That is not correct. The binary *does* work, as I said last time.
> For the third time, it is not possible for me to build from source on
> that box.

Sure you can. There are never permission problems for compiling - only 
for installing.
> And in any case, you keep talking about sqlite3, but I'm talking about
> pysqlite2.

You (and Kurda) keep on talking the wrong stuff. First: you don't need 
pysqlite2. SQLite support is included in the latest Python as module 

If for whatever reason you need the latest SQLite module for Python 
(2.5.0), you can simply grab an rpm or build it from source and install 
it to your home directory. To build pysqlite you need the SQLite 
headers. If you can't install those to default path then simply grab the 
headers, put them somewhere into your home directory and tell the 
pysqlite build process where to find them.


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