Lech Karol Pawłaszek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello.
> I'm trying to make a daemon and I want to log to a file its activity.
> I'm using logging module with a configuration file for it (loaded via
> fileConfig()).
> And now I want to read logging config file before daemonize the program
> because the file might not be accessible after daemonization. OTOH while
> daemonizing I am closing all opened file descriptors - including those
> opened for logging.
> What is the best approach to handle such situation? Should I close all
> FD before daemonizing or just forget it? Any other hints?
> Kind regards,


For *NIX systems, it's a good idea to use the syslog daemon for logging
where it's available.

I believe the logging module can be configured to log to the local
syslog daemon.


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