dpapathanasiou wrote:
... I'd like to define a loop like this, ...
for key, value in my_dict.items():
  if type{value) is <type 'dict'>:
    # do the dictionary logic
  elif type(value) is <type 'str'>:
    # do the string logic
  # etc

You're searching for "isinstance" (or possibly issubclass)
  for key, value in my_dict.items():
    if isinstance(value, dict):
      # do the dictionary logic
    elif isinstance(value, str): # use basestring for str & unicode
      # do the string logic

Or, if you _must_ use type:
    if issubclass(type(value), dict):
      # do the dictionary logic
    elif issubclass(type(value), str):
      # do the string logic

--Scott David Daniels

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