On Thu, 13 Nov 2008 14:25:08 -0800, Paul Boddie wrote:

> On 13 Nov, 18:16, Joe Strout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One thing I miss as I move from REALbasic to Python is the ability to
>> have static storage within a method -- i.e. storage that is persistent
>> between calls, but not visible outside the method.  I frequently use
>> this for such things as caching, or for keeping track of how many
>> objects a factory function has created, and so on.
> Why not use a module global? It isn't hidden, but it is quite a clean
> approach. Modifying your example...

For some definition of "clean".



Python globals aren't quite as bad, because they are merely global to a 
module and not global to your entire application. Nevertheless, your 
example is one of the *worst* usages for globals. See below.

> spam_count = 0
> def spam():
>     global spam_count
>     spam_count += 1
>     return "spam " * spam_count
> [...]
>> This doesn't expose any uncleanliness outside the function at all.

Nonsense. Any other function in the code can write to spam_count and 
cause all sorts of havoc. Any function that needs to temporarily modify 
spam_count needs to be careful to wrap it with a save and a restore:

n = spam_count
spam_count = 47
s = spam()
spam_count = n

This is precisely one of the anti-patterns that global variables 
encourage, and one of the reasons why globals are rightly considered 
harmful. Don't Do This.


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