On Nov 14, 5:27 pm, "Eric S. Johansson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Nov 14, 4:08 pm, "Eric S. Johansson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Almar Klein wrote:
> >>> Hi Eric,
> >>> First of all, I like your initiative.
> >> there's nothing like self interest to drive one's initiative.  :-) 14 
> >> years with
> >> speech recognition and counting.  I'm so looking to my 15th anniversary of 
> >> being
> >> injured next year....
> >> another initiative is exporting the speech recognition environment to the 
> >> Linux
> >> context.  In a nutshell, he dictated to application on Windows, it tunnels 
> >> over
> >> the network to a Linux machine, and will allow you to cut and paste to and 
> >> from
> >> that Linux application.  I could definitely use some high quality volunteer
> >> talent for this effort.   it would make a huge quality of life difference 
> >> to
> >> disabled developers.    This work would also be usable by the folks in the 
> >> wine
> >> project who are supporting  NaturallySpeaking.
> >>> I'm not sure if I undestand you correctly, but can't you just
> >>> increase indentation after each line that ends with a colon?
> >>> That's how I do it in my editor. The user would then only need
> >>> to specify when to decrease indentation.
> >> here's an example of the problem:
> >> class foo( object):
> >>     def cat(self)
> >>         self.x=1
> >>         def dog
> >>             self.x=2
> >> this is legal Python but it's not what you need 99% of the time.  There is 
> >> no
> >> cue to the editor to tell it to outdent to give me what I really want 
> >> which is:
> >> class foo( object):
> >>     def cat(self)
> >>         self.x=1
> >>     def dog
> >>         self.x=2
> >> so there should be a mechanism for saying "indent the level of the previous
> >> definition".  For what it's worth, this would translate in speech 
> >> recognition of
> >> arm in vocola pseudocode to
> >> new  method = <def indent>def ^(self):{enter}"""{enter}"""{enter}<srch 
> >> backwards
> >> and delete ^>
> >> which would allow me to create a method definition and put me back at a 
> >> place
> >> where I can speak the method name.  There's other stuff in these be done 
> >> like
> >> allowing you to modify various features by names such as adding/deleting
> >> arguments, modifying array indices etc.  If you are not careful, I'll talk 
> >> about
> >> command disambiguation through scope reduction and the related visual 
> >> elements
> >> in the working environment.
> >> I really need a job doing this UI stuff.  :-)
> > The backspace key in emacs does exactly what you want. Have you tried
> > it?
> yes and it doesn't work right.  Type this in:
> class pet (object):
>     """
>     """
>     def cat(self):
>         """
>         """
>         if food in bowl:
>             self.empty = True
>     def dog(self):
>         """
>         """
>         if food in bowl:
>             self.empty = True
>         else:
>             self.bark_nonstop()
>  at the end of the method cat, a newline puts you at the left-hand margin and 
> a
> subsequent tab  lines you up with self.empty.  Pressing backspace at that 
> point,
> terminates the if.  It's reasonable behavior and should be useful when 
> assigned
> to the "close block" utterance.  But remember, my goal is to have a variety of
> options for selecting the correct level of indentation with my eyes closed.
> Speaking a lot to get a little effect is dangerous to the health of one's 
> vocal
> cords and, a text-to-speech output doesn't let you know what lines up with 
> what.
 I don't understand. If you don't want to terminate the "if", why do
you hit backspace? What is it that you would like to have happen?

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