On Fri, 14 Nov 2008 13:28:27 -0700, Joe Strout wrote:

> But this class wasn't really that complex; it's just that it assumed all
> the stuff it's being fed were strings (or could be treated as strings),
> and I inadvertently fed it an NLTK.Tree node instead (not realizing that
> a library method I was calling could return such a thing sometimes).

Guido has published a couple of metaclasses to get Eiffel-style pre- and 
post-condition tests that may be useful for you:


If you're interested in reading more about metaclasses, this is more 


By the way, even Guido himself isn't immune to the tendency among Python 
users to flame at anyone suggesting change to Python's model:


(And that's a good thing. It would be really bad if the Python community 
were slavishly and mindlessly Guido-fanboys as we're sometimes accused of 


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