I've just been testing out Jakob Sievers' speedup of Python 2.5.2 by compiling on freebsd with gcc-4.3.3 (the standard freebsd 6.1 gcc is 3.4.4).

I'm glad to say that his modification did improve pybench overall by about 12%, but during the testing I noticed that in fact some of the pybench results were much worse using gcc-4.3.3 compared to gcc-3.4.4.

Of course it may be that freebsd has put more work into 3.4.4, but when I did a direct comparison of stock Python-2.5.2 under both compilers I see the results below which seems to indicate some quite large differences in how the compilers perform and the older one is better overall by about 6%. Is there a best version of gcc for python?

* using Python 2.5.2
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.time

Calibrating tests. Please wait...

Running 10 round(s) of the suite at warp factor 10:

* Round 1 done in 9.697 seconds.
* Round 2 done in 9.746 seconds.
* Round 3 done in 9.631 seconds.
* Round 4 done in 9.646 seconds.
* Round 5 done in 9.727 seconds.
* Round 6 done in 9.649 seconds.
* Round 7 done in 9.759 seconds.
* Round 8 done in 9.660 seconds.
* Round 9 done in 9.661 seconds.
* Round 10 done in 9.671 seconds.

Benchmark: 2008-11-16 12:22:59

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.time

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:  FreeBSD-6.1-SECURITY-i386-32bit
       Processor:    i386

       Executable:   /home/rptlab/bin/python25
       Version:      2.5.2
       Compiler:     GCC 3.4.4 [FreeBSD
       Bits:         32bit
       Build:        Nov 16 2008 12:15:52 (#r252:60911)
       Unicode:      UCS2

Comparing with: pybench.ref.x

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.time

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:  FreeBSD-6.1-SECURITY-i386-32bit
       Processor:    i386

       Executable:   /home/rptlab/bin/xpython
       Version:      2.5.2
       Compiler:     GCC 4.3.3 20081106 (prerelease)
       Bits:         32bit
       Build:        Nov 16 2008 11:38:57 (#r252:60911)
       Unicode:      UCS2

Test                             minimum run-time        average  run-time
                                 this    other   diff    this    other   diff
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:   202ms   209ms   -3.6%   205ms   213ms   -3.7%
           BuiltinMethodLookup:   153ms   146ms   +5.2%   156ms   146ms   +6.7%
                 CompareFloats:   134ms   149ms   -9.6%   134ms   149ms   -9.6%
         CompareFloatsIntegers:   132ms   147ms   -9.9%   132ms   147ms   -9.9%
               CompareIntegers:   131ms   173ms  -24.4%   131ms   173ms  -24.4%
        CompareInternedStrings:   130ms   142ms   -7.8%   131ms   142ms   -7.7%
                  CompareLongs:   113ms   146ms  -23.1%   113ms   146ms  -23.1%
                CompareStrings:   138ms   138ms   -0.1%   138ms   138ms   -0.5%
                CompareUnicode:   126ms   130ms   -2.8%   126ms   130ms   -3.3%
                 ConcatStrings:   233ms   422ms  -44.9%   254ms   452ms  -43.9%
                 ConcatUnicode:   187ms   300ms  -37.5%   193ms   340ms  -43.3%
               CreateInstances:   147ms   159ms   -7.5%   148ms   160ms   -7.6%
            CreateNewInstances:   132ms   138ms   -4.9%   132ms   139ms   -4.7%
       CreateStringsWithConcat:   176ms   174ms   +1.4%   177ms   174ms   +1.4%
       CreateUnicodeWithConcat:   143ms   154ms   -7.3%   147ms   156ms   -5.6%
                  DictCreation:   118ms   150ms  -21.1%   119ms   151ms  -21.1%
             DictWithFloatKeys:   163ms   178ms   -8.5%   163ms   178ms   -8.4%
           DictWithIntegerKeys:   123ms   137ms  -10.5%   123ms   138ms  -10.7%
            DictWithStringKeys:   117ms   136ms  -13.7%   118ms   136ms  -13.6%
                      ForLoops:   111ms   122ms   -9.0%   111ms   123ms   -9.8%
                    IfThenElse:   121ms   132ms   -7.8%   121ms   132ms   -8.1%
                   ListSlicing:   115ms   115ms   +0.6%   116ms   115ms   +0.8%
                NestedForLoops:   138ms   145ms   -4.8%   139ms   145ms   -4.3%
          NormalClassAttribute:   142ms   140ms   +1.2%   144ms   141ms   +2.3%
       NormalInstanceAttribute:   136ms   133ms   +2.5%   137ms   134ms   +2.2%
           PythonFunctionCalls:   128ms   133ms   -3.8%   128ms   133ms   -4.0%
             PythonMethodCalls:   162ms   173ms   -6.2%   163ms   174ms   -6.7%
                     Recursion:   175ms   180ms   -2.8%   175ms   181ms   -3.1%
                  SecondImport:   222ms   213ms   +4.2%   224ms   213ms   +5.0%
           SecondPackageImport:   230ms   220ms   +4.5%   232ms   221ms   +5.0%
         SecondSubmoduleImport:   279ms   263ms   +5.9%   280ms   263ms   +6.1%
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:   143ms   148ms   -3.7%   143ms   148ms   -3.6%
        SimpleDictManipulation:   132ms   139ms   -5.5%   133ms   140ms   -5.2%
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:   128ms   128ms   +0.2%   130ms   129ms   +0.6%
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:   110ms   113ms   -2.2%   110ms   113ms   -2.2%
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:   110ms   113ms   -2.2%   110ms   113ms   -2.2%
        SimpleListManipulation:   114ms   124ms   -7.8%   115ms   125ms   -7.5%
          SimpleLongArithmetic:   121ms   121ms   -0.3%   121ms   122ms   -0.5%
                    SmallLists:   138ms   143ms   -3.3%   140ms   149ms   -5.9%
                   SmallTuples:   149ms   159ms   -6.1%   153ms   159ms   -4.2%
         SpecialClassAttribute:   141ms   138ms   +2.1%   141ms   139ms   +2.0%
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:   227ms   216ms   +5.2%   227ms   216ms   +5.3%
                StringMappings:  1827ms  1796ms   +1.7%  1828ms  1798ms   +1.7%
              StringPredicates:   378ms   369ms   +2.3%   378ms   369ms   +2.3%
                 StringSlicing:   140ms   179ms  -21.7%   145ms   185ms  -21.6%
                     TryExcept:   111ms   112ms   -0.7%   111ms   112ms   -0.8%
                TryRaiseExcept:   130ms   124ms   +4.7%   131ms   125ms   +4.6%
                  TupleSlicing:   130ms   134ms   -2.9%   133ms   135ms   -1.5%
               UnicodeMappings:   125ms   123ms   +0.8%   126ms   124ms   +1.8%
             UnicodePredicates:   135ms   132ms   +2.3%   136ms   133ms   +2.1%
             UnicodeProperties:   199ms   201ms   -1.2%   199ms   202ms   -1.2%
                UnicodeSlicing:   156ms   233ms  -33.2%   166ms   244ms  -32.2%
Totals:                          9601ms 10240ms   -6.2%  9685ms 10363ms   -6.5%

Robin Becker

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